Ryder Truck


Ryder Truck

Project Location

Lansing, MI

Construction Type


Ryder Truck

Design/Build Occupied Facility Renovation

Triangle worked to update the Ryder Truck Lansing location through an extensive renovation and addition to the facility and service areas. The Lansing location specifically serves as a central stop for four area GM plants making it the busiest branch in the state. Approximately 18,000 sq ft was updated across the renovation and addition, 6,000 sq ft solely updating existing space for the first time in 20

Updates to the main building include; a new reception area, truckers lounge, employee break room, bathrooms for public use, as well as separate women, trucker and employee locker rooms. The service parts room will also be updated, stripping all existing utilities for new operational equipment.

A 4-week dent in the schedule took place due to asbestos abatement after the hazard was found in the floors. Additionally, the facility water source was transitioned from well to city which, shortly after installation and pressure monitoring, showed a leak in the underground valve sourced from the street.
Staff occupation of the building was turned over to onsite trailers until offices were complete.

Service bay renovations are also in process to clean up and modernize the outdated facilities. One side of the service area is being worked on while the other remains in operation. The configuration will be switched once the first service area is complete.

Outside of the service lanes, the team dug down 10 feet to replace a water filtration tank that separates oil and sand from the water circulating through. The tank hooks back up to sanitary sewer and flows out. The existing sanitary sewer line was found three-fourths of the way plugged, requiring a vac truck to come and blow out the lines.

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