Jenison Public Schools District Improvement Program


Jenison Public Schools

Project Location

Jenison, MI

Construction Type

New Construction


Jenison Public Schools District Improvement Program

Athletics Bond Campaign Facility Assessment New Construction Occupied Campus Renovation

Jenison Public School’s district-wide $68 million bond program has successfully delivered new construction projects, renovations, and improvements to benefit both students and the broader community. Triangle’s role in promoting the bond campaign and facilitating a comprehensive facility assessment ensured the program’s success and the realization of enhanced educational facilities.

As part of the bond program, a new multipurpose facility was designed to accommodate a variety of community events, sports activities, and gatherings. This flexible space promotes community engagement and fosters a sense of unity, providing an inclusive venue for school-related and community-wide functions.

The bond program also allocated resources for comprehensive renovations at the middle school and multiple elementary schools. These renovations aimed to modernize the learning environment, with upgrades to classrooms, music room, technology infrastructure, and safety features.

Triangle played a pivotal role in promoting the district bond campaign. Our efforts involved collaborating with school district officials, community leaders, and stakeholders to communicate the importance and benefits of the bond program effectively. We organized informational sessions, provided clear and concise materials, and engaged with the public to address questions and concerns. Our goal was to ensure that the community understood the value of the proposed improvements and the positive impact they would have on both education and community life.

To develop a comprehensive budget and facility plan, we engaged with the community and school district in a thorough facility assessment. This process involved a detailed evaluation of current infrastructure and educational needs. We worked closely with district stakeholders to identify priorities, gather feedback, and create a budget that aligned with these priorities.