Pattern of triangle shapes

August 18, 2020

Employee Spotlight: Mike Brechting

Title: Superintendent

Favorite quote:  

“Believe you can and you’re half way there.” – Teddy Roosevelt

Describe what you do in a day:

I oversee all the different trades on the job site to make sure the job reaches the finish line.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

My proudest accomplishment was winning an award for the best renovations for the lobby at 40 Pearl. It was awesome being the lead carpenter/supervisor and working side by side with my brother doing all the finish carpentry in the lobby.

Why Triangle?

Well I have only really worked at one other place my entire life, but working here has always made me feel like I am a part of a family/team. It has been great being able to grow into the employee I have become.

How has your career grown since starting at Triangle?

Since beginning with Triangle as a laborer I have worked my way up through the system to become an onsite supervisor.

Favorite project you’ve worked on?

The Rowe and PARCC side

What do you like to do in your free time?

Hunt, fish, camp, and spend time with my family.

How did you end up in construction?

I was offered a job working for a small company as a laborer as summer help during high school. I enjoyed it and have stuck with it ever since.

What motivates you?

Setting a goal, seeing the end product, and knowing that I was a part of the final outcome.

What are you working on right now?

Wrapping up Ovid Elsie school bond