Pattern of triangle shapes
Kelsey Ford headshot for blog

June 9, 2020

Employee Spotlight: Kelsey Ford

Title: Marketing Manager

Favorite quote:

“Whatever you are, be a good one.”  – Abraham Lincoln

Describe what you do in a day:

Only consistency is my cup (or pot) of coffee. After that, proposals, design, website development, campaign coordination, video production coordination…every day varies, which is what I thrive in.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

More days than not my son wakes up with a smile on his face and that’s pretty fulfilling. This morning he yelled at me to get out of his room, you can’t win them all.

Why Triangle?

I’ve always felt trusted with my work, which provides a sense of freedom to shape my role. This same trust allows me to strategize with big ideas more than I ever have before and feel valuable in the day-to-day.

Favorite project(s) you’ve worked on?

We do a lot of work with the K-12 market, one component being to assist with campaigns for bond requests that provide school funding.  This can include graphic design, website development, strategy, really whatever is going to help the district get voters informed effectively. We just recently aided a district that hadn’t passed a bond in 47 years. You see the impact a strong education system can have on a community and supporting that just makes you feel plain good!

What do you like to do in your free time?

Strolling walks in new places, aspire to one day – far away – have a vast and lush garden, podcasts, building robots out of Duplo blocks (kid’s choice), thrifting for old things I can make new again.

How did you end up in construction?

Having started out as a Marketing Coordinator, the concepts behind a lot of my responsibilities fit my background which got me through the door. That said, the construction industry itself was a new ground for me. I find it fascinating in that it’s this central source to a huge range of markets. Having a footprint in a lot of the different industries you have this birds-eye view of the different political and economic impacts each plays – higher ed, K-12, commercial, housing, industrial – overall you’re much more tuned in to the community.

What’s the last book you read?

The Overstory by Richard Powers

What motivates you?

Sleep. There’s a sense of peace to the end of the day when you know you did the day and your role in it justice.  If I did my day proud, I can sleep a lot easier.

Hidden talents?

I know every move to the Napoleon Dynamite dance and it’s so far from cute.