Pattern of triangle shapes
Erik Lowell headshot blog

September 15, 2020

Employee Spotlight: Erik Lowell

Name: Erik Lowell

Title: Superintendent


Favorite quote:

“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard”

Describe what you do in a day:

Site supervision, creating and updating schedules, approving and updating submittals, coordinating subcontractors, documenting site conditions and progress, and filling in where needed to keep jobs on schedule and running smoothly.

What is your proudest accomplishment? 

Graduating college and already having a job lined up in the field that I wanted to be in.

Why Triangle?

I wanted to work for a company that had a good balance of different job types and scales while also not being so large that I’m viewed as a number instead of a person.

How has your career grown since starting at Triangle?

I have gained a lot of experience and confidence while working under some senior superintendents over the past couple years and have recently gotten the opportunity to run a job on my own.

Favorite project you’ve worked on?

My favorite project was a Mercy Health Urgent Care facility in north Muskegon. We were able to turn over the project on schedule which we new was going to be tight from the start, and the level of finish was very high which led to an ABC’s Excellence in Construction award

What do you like to do in your free time?

I spend most of my time outside of work walking my dog and getting a little bit of work done on my house if I’m lucky.

How did you end up in construction?

From a very young age I loved building and learning how things worked. I was pushed to go to college for mechanical engineering, but I ended up switching majors to construction management and it’s been one of the best decisions of my life.

What motivates you?

I really enjoy seeing progress on the job, and especially like to see a finished product where a rundown old building or empty field used to be, knowing that I played a part in it. Seeing the joy in the faces of the building’s occupants when they first see and use the building makes all the hard work and long hours worth it.

What are you working on right now?

I am currently finishing up a roof replacement on 90% of a school that serves all grades from K-12 in Vestaburg, Michigan.